Warsash Theatre Club Constitution

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1. The name of the Club shall be THE WARSASH THEATRE CLUB.
2. The objects of the club shall be to foster and promote for cultural, recreational and social purposes, the interest of the public in dramatic and related arts. The Club shall be an "equal opportunities" organisation.
3. The administration shall be invested in a Management Committee, which shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition there will be not more than eight other members.
4. The term "Officers" shall apply to the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, who will be elected at AGMs.
5. Policy shall be governed by Annual General Meetings (AGM) at which amendments of Club Rules shall be decided. Such amendments are to be submitted in writing, 7 days before the date of the AGM by the proposer and seconder.
6. At the discretion of the Committee it shall be authorised to co-opt members of the club to serve with them.
7. The Treasurer shall submit to the AGM a statement of Accounts audited by an Honorary Auditor.
8. Application for membership shall be made through the Secretary.
9. Membership shall be by Annual Subscription.
10. The Club's Constitution can be read by visiting its website; however a copy can be provided upon request.
11. The AGM shall be held in the month of January each year. At least 10 days notice thereof shall be given to each member.
12. The committee may, at any time, for any special purpose, call a Special General Meeting (SGM). They shall also do so, forthwith, upon the requisition in writing of any 10 members, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. At least 7 days notice of a SGM shall be given to each member.
13 All voting at an AGM or SGM shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by not less than one fifth of the members present and qualified to vote.
14. The quorum at all general meetings shall be 10 members. The quorum
at committee meetings shall be 4 members.
15. Should a member act in a manner prejudicial to the club the Executive Committee may ask him/her to resign. Should he/she not comply with such a request the Executive Committee may remove his/her name from the list of members. The member shall have the right of an appeal to a General Meeting.
16. If at any meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the club shall be passed by a majority of the members present such resolution shall, at a SGM held not less than one half the month thereafter, at which not less than one half of the members shall be present, be confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of two thirds of the members voting thereon. The Committee shall thereupon or at such future date as shall be specified in such resolution proceed to realise the property of the club and, after discharge of all liabilities, shall divide the same equally among all full members and, upon completion of such division the Club shall be dissolved.
17. Terms of Office for Officers and Committee Members are:
a. The Officers of the Club, (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) shall be elected bi-annually at the AGM but, to preserve continuity, the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman should alternate with that of Secretary and treasurer.
b. The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall hold office for a maximum period of two years.
c. Committee members shall be elected for three years and, after serving such period, shall be eligible for re-election to the Committee.
d. If any committee member resigns during their term of office the committee shall be authorised to co-opt other members to fill such vacancy until the next AGM when normal elections can take place in accordance with the Club Rules.
18. Persons of either sex shall be eligible for full membership with the right to vote and hold office provided that:
a. They are over l6 years of age
b. They absolve the club, its officers and members from liability for any injury or damage whatsoever to themselves or their property whilst engaged in club activities.
19. The ceiling of youth members to be set at 20 paid up members. A waiting list will be available. ( Youth member is aged between 8-15).

Dated 11/01/07